Understanding of the Vote of Non Confidence, as a Political-Legal Mechanism


  • Eka Kavelidze


distribution of power, vote of non-confidence, constructive cote of non-confidence, responsibility of the government, governmental control, strong government, collective responsibility, resignation of the government, political crisis, parliamentary majori


The vote of non-confidence is a very important mechanism, which is directly related to the realization of the principle of distribution of powers. Inter-relation of the Government and the Parliament and balancing of their authorities mostly depends on the vote of non-confidence. In the environment of strong Government, Parliament shall have real lever of influence over the Government, ensuring placement of the activities of the Government in certain frames. And for determination of the characteristics of the mechanism the status of executive and legislative bodies is of utmost importance. Nevertheless, alongside with the basic function, the vote of non-confidence can be used by political parties as the means of influencing certain political developments. Meanwhile, it is important to consider the vote of non-confidence as the mechanism for overcoming political crisis.



How to Cite

Kavelidze, E. (2017). Understanding of the Vote of Non Confidence, as a Political-Legal Mechanism. Journal of Law, (1). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/1814


