Consideration of Competence Disputes in the Constitutional Court, as the Principal Constitutional Mechanism for the Realization of Power Division Principle
Constitutional Court, principle of power separation, competent disputes, constitutional justice.Abstract
The idea of the Constitutional Court is essentially linked to the constitutional control of the state authorities power. In the Constitutional judicial history, one of the most important precedents (Marbury vs. Madison) happened in the United States Constitutional Justice and it was particularly about the crisis of power division between state authorities. Therefore, at the modern development stage of the constitutionalism, it is important to evaluate the role and significance of the Constitutional Court's competence regarding the competent disputes. It is also necessary to evaluate the European experience in this direction and those important and interesting consequences for the constitutional control and constitutional justice within such competence. Consequently, within the framework of this key instrument of constitutional control, we should talk about the primacy of the law, within that the idea of constitutionalism should be developed. This issue has a doctrinal importance and at the same time has a special significance for the development of Georgian constitutionalism.
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