Peculiarities of Legal Regulations of Financing Political Parties in Foreign Countries (Comparative-legal aspects)


  • Gia Gogiberidze



political party, state financing, private financing, donation, membership fee, transparency.


Political parties are important and indispensable subjects of modern political life, which play an essential role in functioning of democratic political system. Increasing the role of political parties in political processes made such unions face new challenges, think about institutional strengthening and perfecting consistently, develop effective mechanisms to overcome the confrontations related to the organization of a complex and multifaceted election campaign, as well as their participation in other aspects of political life. The increased role of political parties, in turn, has a significant impact on the issues of financial support of parties. The new functions and tasks require additional financial resources to ensure the capacity and sustainability of parties. The specifics of financing political parties, keeping healthy competition, fairness and transparency in the mentioned process, force the states to implement the regulation of financing parties on the basis of a special legislative norm.

The presented article reviews the features related to the legal regulation of financing political parties in foreign countries. The article also discusses the issues concerning the publicity and transparency of the financial activities of political parties and the mechanisms of supervision and responsibility for the financial activities of political parties.

Author Biography

Gia Gogiberidze

Doctor of Law, Invited lecturer at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law.


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How to Cite

Gogiberidze, G. (2023). Peculiarities of Legal Regulations of Financing Political Parties in Foreign Countries (Comparative-legal aspects). Journal of Law, (1), 110–124 (Geo) 98.


