
From December 27, 2024 to March 10, 2025

TSU double blind  internationally peer-reviewed  periodical "Journal of Law" announces call for papers for 2025 #1 bilingual edition.

Types of Papers:

The following types of papers may be submitted for publication in various fields of law:

a) Scientific article

b) Academic review (recension);

c) Analysis of legal practice;

d) Translation of a scientific publication authored in a foreign language.

Individuals Eligible to Make Submissions for Publication

1. The following individuals are authorized to submit a paper for publication:

a) Professorship, academic staff members, visiting lecturers along with the Ph.D. students of the Faculty of Law of TSU, law schools of Georgian or foreign higher educational, and scientific-research institutions;

b) Native or foreign legal practitioners in the field of law;

c) Authors other than above who prepare a publication on the pressing issues of legal science and practice upon the request/invitation of the member of the Editorial Board.

2. The paper may  be submitted either individually or by co-authorship.

Rules and Documents for Making Submission for Publication

1. It is possible to submit an authentic study with genuine content provided by the author for its initial publication to the journal.

2. The paper will be rejected if a substantial part or the full version of it has already been published or is under the consideration for publication in another scientific issue.

3. Georgian authors making a submission to the journal provide Georgian version of the scientific  paper. Translation of Georgian paper into English is ensured by TSU faculty of law by observing high linguistic standards. Additionally, a translation of a foreign language paper, analysis of legal practice and academic review (recension) may be submitted for publication in Georgian language. Georgian authors may submit English translation of their articles upon their discretion.

4. Foreign authors may submit papers only in English. Translation of English papers into Georgian language is ensured by TSU faculty of Law. 

5. For making a submission, the author must submit the following documents to the e-mail address of the journal (

a) Paper which should not exceed  40 000 characters (without spaces) (including an abstract, the main text, and the footnotes, bibliography);

b) Annotation  (limited to 300 (three hundred) words);

c) Keywords (limited to 10 (ten) words). 

d) Bibliography  composed in accordance with the rules set for its compilation (See, Appendix № 1);

e) Application form (for Georgian authors) to the Editor-in-Chief, filled-in and signed by the author (See an Application Form ― Appendix № 2); 

f) In the case paper is submitted by Georgian doctoral student, a positive conclusion of the scientific supervisor; Foreign PhD students are not required to submit this document. 

g) In the case of submission by Georgian author without the doctoral degree, letter of support provided by an expert qualified in the research field of the submitted paper.  Foreign authors are not required to submit this document. 

The author is obliged to observe strictly the academic standards of citation of the journal (See, Appendix № 3).

1. The text of the paper should be composed in Sylfaen_12 font, footnote ― Sylfaen_10 font, line spacing ― one interval.

2. Failure to comply with the requirements set by this Charter and academic standards of citation will result in the rejection of the paper for publication. Therefore, the submission will not be checked via the plagiarism program and will not be subject to the review procedure.

Approval of Publication

1. The consent of editorship on publishing the paper in a particular issue of the journal implies publication without modifications or with further editorial changes made by the author and/or upon their consent, in consideration of the recommendations of the reviewers and editors.

2. The author is informed about the publication by the Managing/Executive editors in writing via the official e-mail of the journal.

3. Upon the author's request, an official letter confirming the publication of the paper may also be issued in the form of acknowledgment.

4. The author is responsible for the deliberate submission of incorrect information to third parties on publication of the paper.

Submission Policy

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the authorities responsible where the work was carried out. 

Publication Charges

Authors can publish their papers in Journal of Law free of charge.

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