The Substance of the Best Interests of the Child


  • Khatia Shekiladze


Juveniles, justice, best interests, primary consideration, international standards, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Juvenile Justice Code, the role, importance, substance of the Principle.


Primary consideration of the best interests of the child is a guiding principle in terms of construing legislation, collision among specific rights and the assessment of juvenile justice, in general.

Juveniles, justice, best interests, primary consideration, international standards, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Juvenile Justice Code, the role, importance, substance of the Principle. in-bottom:.0001pt;text-align: justify;line-height:normal'>

Legal analysis of the principle provided in the paper evidences that main issue is the absence of definition of and the vagueness of the concept of best interests, giving rise to the risk of misinterpretation. Furthermore, it is extremely important that relevant entities analyze the standard of “primary” consideration of the mentioned principle, and duly apply it. Hence, in-depth analysis of the substance and purpose of the principle is of decisive importance.

Legal analysis of the principle provided in the paper evidences that main issue is the absence of definition of and the vagueness of the concept of best interests, giving rise to the risk of misinterpretation. Furthermore, it is extremely important that relevant entities analyze the standard of “primary” consideration of the mentioned principle, and duly apply it. Hence, in-depth analysis of the substance and purpose of the principle is of decisive importance.


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How to Cite

Shekiladze, K. (2017). The Substance of the Best Interests of the Child. Journal of Law, (2). Retrieved from


