საკუთრების უფლებასთან დაკავშირებული საჯარო რეესტრში რეგისტრირებადი ვალდებულებები
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
distinguishing of the property rights and the rights of obligations, publicity, transferability with the property, obligations related to the property rights, obligations subject to registration, purpose of obligations’ registrationანოტაცია
Georgian Law on Public Registry, Articles 11, 11(V).
Civil Code of Georgia, Articles 242, 516, 531, 572, 581.
Civil Code, Obligations Law, Georgian Association of Young Lawyers, 2006, 7-8, 74.
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Chanturia L., Ownership of Immovable Things, Publishing House “Samartali”, 2nd ed., Tbilisi, 2001, 157.
Chiorshvili T., Collection of Works Dedicated to Memory of Professor Zurab Akhvlediani, Tbilisi, 2004, 54.
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Kereselidze D., Most General Systemic Concepts of Private Law, Publishing House of European and Comparative Law Institute, Tbilisi, 2009, 221, 226.
Lapachi E., Principles of Registration of the Property Rights in Georgiann annd German Legislation, “Law Magazine” №1, University Publishing House, 2013, § 891, 892, 893, 894, 65-66, 71.
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Decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-951-989-2011 of 10 November 2011.
Decision of Supreme Court № AS-820-778-2013 of 02 December 2013. By this decision the Supreme Court has shared the opinion of the court of appeal.
Current wording of paragraph 5, Article 11 of Georgian Law on Public Registry is effective based on Law of Georgia № 4208-1S on Amendments and Addenda to Georgian Law on Public Registry of 22 February 2011.
Civil Code of Armenia, Article 611,
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-623-586-2012 of 25 December 2016.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia № AS-189-182-2013 of 16 January 2014.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-1141-1187-2014 of 08 December 2014.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS -BS-125-122 (K-14) of 28 October 2014.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-394-373-2013 of 20 May 2014.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-614-584-2013 of 23 December 2013.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-820-778-2013 of 02 December 2013.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-1269-1198-2012 of 24 December 2012.
Decision of Supreme Court of Georgia №AS-1532-1538-2011 of 29 December 2011.
Decision of 28 March 2012 of the Chamber of Civil Cases of Tbilis Court of Appeal (Case №2ბ/777-12), <http://library.court.ge/>.
Decision of 13 December 2012 of Civil Department of Tbilisi Court of Appeal (Case №2ბ/1232-12), <http://library.court.ge/>.
Decision of 27 November 2014 of Tbilisi Court of Appeal (Case 3B/771-14; Case №330310013201147).
Decision of Civil Department of Tbilisi Court of Appeal (Case №2B/2270-09), <http://library.court.ge/>.
Decision of Supreme Court №AS -312-297-2013 of 27 May 2013.
Decision of Supreme Court №AS -1416-1548-04 of 21 April 2005.
Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of Article 75 of Georgian Law on Enforcement.
Decision of Supreme Court №AS-1179-1108-2012 of 17 March 2013.
The Originality of Registration; Oxford J. Legal Stud; 371; 1995, <http://ssrn.com/en/>.
A.n. Yanonopoulos; The Legal Servitude of Passage; Tulane Law Review; 38-42, <http://ssrn.com/en/>.