The Right to Freedom of Expression with Regards to the Personality Rights to Honor and Reputation


  • Salome Pruidze


freedom of expression, personality rights, honor, reputation, reality of facts and value judgments.


Personality rights maintain a special position in the wide specter of human rights. Personality rights law being on the edge of the human rights law, civil and criminal law strengthens the status of an individual, assures the presentation of a self to external world and at the same time the protection of a self from external world. Though the exercise of this or that personality right often causes the interference into other individual’s personality sphere. With this regards various personal interests often get into conflict. For example, the exercise of the right to freedom of expression may result in the infringement of dignity, the rights to honor, to public image and reputation, the protection of which rights is the most commonly used ground for the limitation of the freedom of expression. The Article presents a review of freedom of expression in relation to the personality rights to honor and reputation and the mechanisms of the balance practiced by the European Court, as well as the existing situation in Georgian legislation and case law.


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How to Cite

Pruidze, S. (2017). The Right to Freedom of Expression with Regards to the Personality Rights to Honor and Reputation. Journal of Law, (1). Retrieved from


