საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის საარბიტრაჟო როლის განსაზღვრება და მისი ზოგიერთი თავისებურება


  • Zurab Jibghashvili

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Arbitration (of the Head of the State), Guarantor, Discredit to the Government, Semi-Presidential Republic (systems), President, Prime-Minister, Head of the State Presidential Republic, Ensuring, Suspension-enforcement veto




Constitution of Georgia, 24/08/1995.

Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, 24/11/1996.

The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, 22/12/1990.

Constitution of The Republic Of Poland, 02/04/1997.

Constitution of Romania, 21/11/1991.

The Fundamental Law of Hungary, 25/04/2011.

Babeck W., Pish S., Raihenbeher Ts., Revision of Constitution the Road of Georgia to Europe. Wolfgang Babeck. Lessons from Georgia: Good Example of Constitutional Reform? Tbilisi, 2012. 130.

Demetrashvili A., Constitutional Chronicles of Georgia. Constitutional Reform of 2009/2010 in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi, 25-26.

Nakashidze M., In Doctoral Thesis: Peculiarities of President’s Relationships to the Branches of the Government in Semi-Presidential Systems of Governance (by the example of Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Republic of Armenia), 50.

Institute of Presidentship and its Influence on World Politics, <http://www.e-ng.ru/mezhdunarodnye_otnosheniya_i_mirovaya/institut_prezidentstva_i_ego_vliyanie_na.html>.

Venice Commission, Final Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Changes to the Constitution of Georgia CDL(2010) 028, № 110, CDL-AD (2010)028 Final Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Changes to the Constitution of Georgia Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 84th Plenary Session (Venice, 15-16 October 2010).




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Jibghashvili, Z. (2017). საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის საარბიტრაჟო როლის განსაზღვრება და მისი ზოგიერთი თავისებურება. სამართლის ჟურნალი, (2). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/1869


