The Scope of Functions of Penalty Clauses when Claiming Cumulatively with Reimbursement of Lost Income
Penalty clauses, damages, lost income, fault, preventive function of penalty clauses.Abstract
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BGB §249. 55 (1880) LR 5 App Cas 25 (HL) 39; BGH 5, 133, 136f; BGH NJW 1971, 883; 72, 174, 178 = NJW 1979, 105, 106; 82, 398, 402 = NJW 1982, 759, 760; Gehlen NJW 2003, 2961; NJW-RR 1997, 686, 688; MDR 1997, 439, 440; NJW 1998, 3488; BGH NJW 1971, 883; 72, 174, 178 = NJW 1979, 105, 106; 82, 398, 402 = NJW 1982, 759, 760; NJW-RR 1997, 686, 688; MDR 1997, 439, 440; NJW 1998, 3488; BGH, January 23, 2003 - VII ZR 210/01; BGHZ 49, 84/89; 131, 356; BGH NGZ, 1998, 608; BGHZ 63, 259; BGH LM § 339 No19.
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Philips Hong Kong Ltd v Attorney General of Hong Kong (1993) 61 BLR 41, 55, 61.
Ringrow Pty Ltd v BP Australia Pty Ltd [2005] HCA 71, (2005) 224 CLR 656 [31]–[32]; PS Atiyah, The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979) 414.
Robinson v. Harman (Jan.18, 1848), I Ex. 850, 855,, [24.07.2024].
Robophone Facilities Ltd v Blank [1966] 1 WLR 1428.
Ruxley Electronics and Construction Ltd v Forsyth; Laddingford Enclosures Ltd v Forsyth [1995] 3 All ER 268.
XCO International, Inc. v. Pacific Scientific Company, US City App (7th app, 24 May, 2004, 369 F3d, 998, 14,, [20.07.2024].
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