Balancing the Right to Privacy and National Security Interests in the Digital Age


  • Ketevan Kukava



Secret Surveillance, Personal Data, National Security, International Communications, Bulk Interception.


In order to protect national security, the states widely use secret surveillance measures and monitor electronic communications, which poses high risks of arbitrariness and abuse of power. Modern technologies enable the states to collect and process personal data on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, the most important challenge in today’s world is to determine how to protect national security and prevent serious crimes without violating human rights. 

The judgments of the European Court of Human Rights provide guidance in terms of balancing the right to privacy and security interests. The present article aims to discuss the development of the case law of the European Court and the legal safeguards for protecting the right to privacy when the state carries out secret surveillance measures.  

Author Biography

Ketevan Kukava

PhD student of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law.


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How to Cite

Kukava, K. (2023). Balancing the Right to Privacy and National Security Interests in the Digital Age. Journal of Law, (2), 338–353 (Geo) 297.


