Substantive Legal Prerequisites of Hardship and Scale of Legitimate Intervention of the Court into the Private Autonomy
Hardship to perform the obligation, Force Majeure, impossibility of performance, awarding damages, adaptation of the contract, infringement of the obligation, judicial control, amended circumstances of the contractAbstract
The article is dedicated to the comparative legal analysis of the material preconditions establishing Institute of impediment of the performance of obligation based on the uniform legal instruments of contract law, study of reformed legal order of mainly Anglo-American and continental law countries. The analysis of legal characteristics qualifying hardship to perform the obligation is done in correlation with the legal nature of the Force Majeure concept, by which the demonstration of essential distinctive marks of these two paradigms are reached with the purpose of determining framework of the collateral legal outcomes and responsibility, as well as scopes of contractual risk. The crucial part of the study also discussed scope of legitimate intervention of the Court and protection of autonomy of the will of parties, methods to be used while exercising judicial control, objective criteria to be considered in accordance with the level of gravity of the fulfillment in the process of adaptation or termination of the contract.
The actuality of the study is particularly increasing for purposes of determining scope of the fulfillment of contractual obligations complicated by the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and for establishing consistent Georgian judicial practice in this sphere
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