Causation in Complicity in a Crime According to Georgian and Anglo-American Law


  • Kakha Tsikarishvili


Complicity, principle, aider, objective side of the crime, risk creating offence, civil agent doctrine, concealment of the crime, causation, result, freewill, condicio sine qua non, “but for test”.


According to Georgian law, causation is an objective ground for liability for complicity. Anglo American Law does not require causation for complicity. Person may be liable as accomplice if his conduct has contributed to the commission of the offence by the principle. However, some Anglo American legal scholars recognize causation in complicity, though they think that in every case we should distinguish between causal and non causal accomplices.


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How to Cite

Tsikarishvili, K. (2017). Causation in Complicity in a Crime According to Georgian and Anglo-American Law. Journal of Law, (1). Retrieved from


