Sin, Crime and Criminality
sin, crime, crime, norm, lawAbstract
In the twenty-first century, the phenomenon of crime and criminality is still unexplained. There are many biological, psychological and sociological theories on the problem of crime and criminality in criminology. Modern criminology has also applied an integrated method of theories and concepts. However, this approach has not yet yielded positive results, as the criminogenic situation in the world is becoming increasingly dangerous; new forms of crime are emerging and the scale of crime is increasing. Taking into consideration the given setup, the Hamartiology, the Christian doctrine of sin, is gaining importance as sin is considered to be the source of all negative events in general, including crime and criminality.
The present article expolres the transcendental and features of sin in the legislative and criminological concepts of crime and criminality. It turns out that both categories are conceptual forms of sin, which, from a scientific viewpoint, allows the concepts of crime and criminality to be shaped in a completely “new” manner.
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