სინდიკატური სესხის როლი პროექტის დაფინანსებისას


  • Mariam Ioseliani

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

syndicated loan, hydropower plant construction project, agent bank, project financing, risk diversification.




Armstrong J., The Syndicated Loan Market: Developments in the North American Context, Canada, 2003, 1-2.

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Fight A., Syndicated Lending, Linacre House, UK, 2004, 2.

Gatti S., Project Finance in Theory and Practice: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects, Elsevier Inc., California, 2008, 275-277.

Godlewski C., Banking Environment, Agency Costs, and Loan Syndication. A Cross-Country Analysis, Louis Pasteur University, France, 2008, 14.

Graham D.V., Project Finance, 2nd ed., Sweet and Maxwell Limited, London, 1998, 62-63.

Graham R., Law Relating to International Banking, Sweet and Maxwell Limited, London, 2003, 79.

Iannotta G., Investment Banking, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2010, 107.

Nevitt P., Fabozzi F., Project Financing, 7th ed., Euromoney Books, London, 2000, 106.

Niehuss J., International Project Finance, West Academic Publishing, USA, 2010, 147-148.

Price A., Financing International Projects, International Labour Organization Publishing, Geneva, 1995, 31.

Roberts G., Law Relating to International Banking, Woodhead Publishing, England, 2003, 86-87.

Sein R., Financing Energy Projects in Emerging Economies, Pennwell Publishing, USA, 1996, 15.

Wood P., International Loans, Bonds, Guarantees, Legal Opinions, 2nd ed., Sweet & Maxwell Limited, London, 2007, 35.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Ioseliani, M. (2017). სინდიკატური სესხის როლი პროექტის დაფინანსებისას. სამართლის ჟურნალი, (2). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/1861


