The Term of Undertaking in Georgian Competition Law
Keywords: Competition, Competition Law, Undertaking, Single Economic Entity Doctrine.Abstract
Through the Association Agreement with EU, Georgia has committed to creating comprehensive competition legislation, that, in turn, gave rise to the need to approximate Georgian national competition law to the European one. In the process of approximation thorough analysis of respective case law established at EU and its member states' level is of great significance. Sharing the achievements of European legal science plays an important role as well. Precisely this is the preceding article's principal objective, which serves to discuss the term of undertaking as one of the most substantial concepts of competition law. Moreover, the paper makes a distinction between institutional and functional approaches to the undertaking based on European experience. It focuses on the relative nature of the notion as well. Finally, the research examines one of the most significant theories acknowledged in the European competition law, known as the "Single Economic Entity Doctrine."
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