Acquisition Based on Real Estate Ownership Deal in Georgian, German and French Law
Immovable property, public registry, complaint, agreement, registration, alienation , ownership right, bona fide purchaser.Abstract
In a legal system of any country while setting regulations related to the things determinant is found in its economic value. Precisely, economic value of things is a main sign of the rules of the emergence and forfeiture of ownership right. The more the thing is valued, the more interested the person is in its ownership. Various legal system relates ownership emerging on immovable thing to different procedures, respectively, rule of forfeiture varies. From the standpoint of Comparative Law, it seems interesting that analysis of German and French legal systems of purchasing immovable thing differs in connection with Georgian Law not only with a moment of ownership right emerging but also with the protection guaranties of bona fide purchasing immovable thing. The aim of the following paper serves to research the attitudes of these three states referring to immovable thing.
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