რელიგია პოლონეთის სამეფოს სამართლებრივ სისტემაში (1815-1830)


  • Rafał Kania

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

The Kingdom of Poland, Religion, History of Law, Christianity.


During centuries a relationship between a State and Churches was an object of special interesting by state authority. This relation was one of the main factor that stabilizing a social situation. It was not the one reason that religion was regulated by law. A special situation in Poland was pertained to the Catholic Church which had a strong position in society. For this reason the government wanted to control religion in order to achieve stronger influent on citizens at the beginning of 19th century. The purpose of this article is a presentation of situation of religions that was created by the legal system during 1815-1830 in the Kingdom of Poland.


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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Kania, R. (2019). რელიგია პოლონეთის სამეფოს სამართლებრივ სისტემაში (1815-1830). სამართლის ჟურნალი, (1). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/2647


