Europeanization of Georgian Administrative Law from the European Integration Point of View - Experience of the Past and Future Perspectives
Europeanization of administrative law, phases of Europeanization of Georgian administrative law, Association Agreement.Abstract
The process of Europeanization of Georgian administrative law is a phenomenon, emerged in the period of independence of the country. It comprises main phases before and after the Association Agreement. In spite of the fact that the Association Agreement imposes certain obligations of reforms of the legal system on Georgia, Europeanization processes of law considered within its limits must be distinguished from the Europeanization phenomenon of the law systems within the formal borders of the European Union. This difference on its own requires working out a really functional strategy of the reform of the Georgian administrative law (Europeanization), within the limits of which it will be clarified the possibility of the successful reception or trans-plantation of European law experience in the Georgian legal system, which is a purpose of the present article.
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BVerfGE 123, 267 - Ultra-Vires-Lehre.
BVerfGE 126, 286 ff - Ultra-vires-Kontrolle.
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