Objectives and Scopes of Cassation in the Administration Process


  • Tamar Ghvamichava


the essence, purpose, tasks, scopes of cassation, constraining of cassation, individual and public interests, unified justice, law development, homogeneous court practice.


In an administrative process it is very important an institute of cassation appeal, stating its admissibility grounds, a purpose, tasks and scopes of appeal. To provide protection of individual and public interests within the scopes of the cassation appeal the following issues are very important, such as functional competence of cassation, review of legal elements of a disputed decision, checking the legal grounds of the disputed decision, restriction of power of review, confining to the cassation decision, constraining the admissibility of a cassation appeal and obligation of the cassation court to consider in essence all cassation appeals of special importance. A procedural institute of lodging a complaint in the appeals instance has several purposes: protection of interests of a party and provision of unified justice; consideration of a case in the appeals instance and establish homogeneous court practice on analogous cases.



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How to Cite

Ghvamichava, T. (2017). Objectives and Scopes of Cassation in the Administration Process. Journal of Law, (1). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/1823


