Author's Rights in Musical Works within Contractual Relationships and International Legal Mechanisms for their Regulation (Comparative Legal Research Based on German Example)
Musical work, author, right, employment contract, law, dispute.Abstract
The author's rights in author’s rights within contractual relationships and international legal mechanisms for their regulation have proven to be quite problematic issues, which demonstrates their relevance. Increased Georgian-language literature on authors' rights in author’s rights would enhance understanding and address local needs. while national legislation should be further harmonized with European, especially German legislation.
This scientific article aims to explore the complexities of authors' rights in musical works, particularly within contractual relationships. It examines international regulatory mechanisms and suggests potential solutions to current challenges.
The subject of this research is to study musical work author's rights in contractual relationships within the framework of comparative research and analyze doctrine and court practice based on international legal mechanisms for their regulation.
The article creation process is mainly doctrinal, using the following research methods: documentary; comparative legal; descriptive; historical-legal and systematic.
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AG München ZUM 2010, 545, 546.
Ausfühlich zu den Risiken für den „freien Mitarbeiter“, siehe BAG NJW 2020, 170, 172.
Ausführlich zum Stand des Arbeitnehmerurheberrechts: Klass GRUR 2019, 1103.
BAG AfP 2007, 285, 287.
BAG GRUR 1961, 491, 492.
BAG NJW 2021, 1114, 1115.
BAG NJW 2020, 170, 171, 3802, 3803.
BAG NJW 2019, 3016, 3018.
BAG ZUM 2014, 63, 65.
BAG NJW 2012, 2903, 2904,13.
BAG NJW 2010, 2455, 2456.
BAG ZUM 2009, 883, 887.
BAG ZUM 2007, 507, 508.
Berger/Wündisch/Wündisch a, A., § 15, 38.
BGH GRUR 2022, 1327, 1328, 1441,1443, 1812, 1816, 899, 903.
BGH GRUR 2020, 1191, 1193, 591, 598.
BGH GRUR 2018, 642, 643, 234, 2326.
BGH GRUR 2016, 1048, 1049, 360, 362.
BGH GRUR 2015, 1189, 1194 .
BGH GRUR 2014, 65, 70.
BGH GRUR 2013, 717, 719, 818, 819.
BGH GRUR 2009, 1148, 1149-154, 942, 943, 946, 947.
BGH GRUR 2007, 871, 872.
BGH GRUR 2005, 431.
BGH GRUR 1988, 811
BGH GRUR 1981, 267.
BGH GRUR 1974, 480, 483.
BGH GRUR 1952, 257, 258.
BGH NJW 2019, 3016, 3018.
BGH ZUM 2019, 518.
BGH ZUM 2010, 255, 258.
BGHZ 112, 243, 247.
BGHZ 17, 266, 282.
BGHZ 20, 159, 163.
BGHZ 94, 276, 280.
BHG GRUR 2022, 899, 902.
BT-Drs. 19/27653, 81.
BT-Drucks. 18/12329, 31.
BVerfG GRUR 2010, 332, 333.
BVerfG NJW 2018, 2542, 2543.
BVerfG ZUM 2011, 396.
BVerwG GRUR-Prax 2020, 517.
Däubler/Hjort/Hummel/Wolmerath/Ulrici § 43, 21.
Dreier/Peifer/Specht/Staats, FS für Gernot Schulze, 331.
Dreier/Schulze/Dreier § 43, 12.
Dreier/Schulze/Schulze Vor § 31, 42, 45.
Ebenso Konertz ZUM 2020. 929, 937.
ebenso Peifer GRUR 2022, 967,970.
EGMR NJW 2020, 141.
EuGH EuZW 2011, 962, 49.
EuGH EuZW 2010, 268, 269.
EuGH GRUR 2023, 577, 582.
EuGH GRUR 2021, 95, 97.
EuGH GRUR 2020, 186, 187.
EuGH GRUR 2019, 1286, 1289.
EuGH GRUR 2009, 753, 755.
EuGH NJW 2021, 144, 146.
EuGH NJW 2019, 748.
EuGH NJW 2017, 3433, 3435.
Fromm/Nordemann/Norde- v. Olenhusen ZUM 2010, 474, 479.
Grundlegend VGH Baden-Württemberg ZUM 2018, 211, 220.
Gülker CR 2021, 66, 67.
Klass, GRUR 2019, 1103, 1105, 1109.
Konertz ZUM 2020, 929, 936.
LAG Baden-Würtemberg NZA-RR 2020, 124, 127.
Leuze § 5, 62.
LG Berlin GRUR-RR 2022, 216, 221.
LSG Baden-Würtemberg ZUM-RD 2012, 425.
LSG Baden-Württenberg ZUM 2012, 612, 617.
mann,A.,Urheberrecht, § 43, 58; widersprüchlich Rn. 59, 60.
MünHandb/ArbR Bayreuther § 91, 2.
OLG Celle ZUM-RD 2013, 119, 121.
OLG Düsseldorf GRUR 2006, 673, 775.
OLG Düsseldorf ZUM-RD 2009, 63, 65, 66.
OLG Karlsruhe GRUR-RR 2013, 424, 425.
OLG Köln GRUR Int. 2009, 1048 (Art. 5 Nr. 5 EuGVVO).
OLG München MMR 2021, 71, 73.
OLG München ZUM-RD 2007, 166, 177, 182, 190.
Peukert, Urheberrecht, Rn. 923; v. Olenhusen ZUM 2010, 474, 476.
Picht/Koop GRUR Int. 2016, 232.
Rehbinder/Peukert a. A., 941, 1015.
RGZ 110, 394.
Schack GRUR 2021, 904, 906;
Schricker/Loewenheim/Rojahn § 43, 44, 47, 63.
Schulze ZEuP 2019, 695, 701, 705.
Schunke ZUM 2020, 447, 451.
Schwab Anhang § 1, 89, 91.
So aber Hertin GRUR 2011, 1065, 1067.
So auch Sorge,119.
Spindler/Sein MMR 2019, 488, 490.
Staudemayer ZEuP 2019, 663, 676, 710.
Ulmer-Eifort/Obergfell/Ulmer-Eilfort, Verlagsrecht E1 429.
von Olenhusen ZUM 2009, 889.
Wandtke GRUR 1999, 390.
Wandtke GRUR 2015, 831.
Wandtke GRUR 2015, 831.
Wandtke/Bullinger/Grützmacher § 69b, 1 m. w. N.
Wandtke/Bullinger/Thum § 71, 9.
Wandtke/Bullinger/Wandtke § 40, 4.
Wandtke/Bullinger/Wandtke § 43, 18, 137.
Wandtke/Leidl GRUR 2021, 447, 448.
Wandtke/Ostendorff ZUM 2021, 26, 28.
Композиторы и музыковеды грузии. – тб., 1984, 90.
file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Urheberrecht-4.pdf [15.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024].[13.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [14.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [14.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [13.06.2024]. [10.06.2024] [10.06.2024]. [12.06.2024] [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024] [10.06.2024]. [14.06.2024]. [14.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [10.06.2024]. [14.06.2024].
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