Secret Eavesdropping of Telephone Conversation – from Operative-investigative Measure to Covert Investigative Action
Secret eavesdropping of telephone conversation, operative-investigative measure, principles/ legal basis for implementation/main tasks of operative-investigative measures, law on “operative-investigative activities”, covert methods.Abstract
In this article there will be analyzed a processual development of the secret eavesdropping of a telephone conversation. Particularly will be underlined the process of its creation as an operative-investigative measure and its later transformation into a covert investigative action. When discussing this topic, main focus will be made on the content and main tasks of secret eavesdropping of a telephone conversation as an operative-investigative measure, differentiating aspects of operative-investigative measures and investigative actions, also there will be analyzed the reasons and preconditions for development of secret eavesdropping of a telephone conversation as an investigative action.References
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